ࡱ> FHE @ bjbj{{ "4%8$,lh8"$R!  "000d000 psQrId[80h,x"~Zx"x"dd0  $XAl Noor International School Chapter 5 Was William lucky and clever? Notes The year 1066Harold GodwinsonHarald HardradaWilliam the ConquerorSummerOrganizes a huge army and a massive fleet of 700 war ships.Hardrada plans and prepares to attack England.William is ready to attack England.AugustSoldiers and sailors demand to go home for harvesting.Makes way to England.William knew about the British custom of the soldiers going home for harvesting. He decided to wait.8th September Harold sends the soldiers and sailors home.He is about to reach England.Bad weather forces William to wait further.18th SeptemberHis soldiers are home helping the harvests.Hardrada lands in Yorkshire with an army.Bad weather continuous.25th SeptemberBattle of Stanford Bridge Harold gathers an army and marches to York. He defeats the Norwegian army. Hardrada is killed.Hardrada fights Harold and gets defeated and killed.He still waits for an opportune time.27th September -------The weather changes. William crosses the English Channel unopposed.28th SeptemberNew reaches Harold about Williams arrival. He decides to march down to meet William ------------William makes his base strong and prepares for any attack.14th October Harold clashes with his rival near Hastings. He is killed in a fierce fighting. ---------William clashes with Harold near Hastings. He conquers the English army. Extended activity Compare the leaderships of Harold Godwinson and Harald Hardrada and William the Conqueror and decide who was a better leader. Give reasons for your statement. Read page No. 13 and complete the exercises given at the bottom of the page.     PAGE  PAGE 1 '(DEJK   ( h q | }  & ; < = I P ܸwocwhJhJH*OJQJh BOJQJhOJQJh?OJQJh2 POJQJhYOJQJhJOJQJh'hOJQJh'h5CJOJQJh$h$CJ"OJQJhCJ"OJQJh$hCJ"OJQJh$CJ"OJQJh$hCJOJQJh$hCJ6OJQJ&'EKYjz$$& #$/Ifa$gd|$a$gd}LU ) ZHHHH$& #$/Ifgd|kd$$IflY\,t   6 0-64 la) * 1 h ~ ZHHHHH$& #$/Ifgd|kd$$Ifl\,t   6 0-64 la  = i ZHHHH$& #$/Ifgd|kd$$Ifld\,t   6 0-64 laP W l n o    > D ^ ` s t   4 5 7 9 C D o p ֿ꿬ֿ꿘꿐}꿘h|OJQJh'hOJQJhOJQJh'hRH*OJQJhOJQJh'h|OJQJh2 POJQJh'hROJQJh'hH*OJQJhJOJQJhJhJH*OJQJh'hOJQJh'hYOJQJ1i j z ZHHHH$& #$/Ifgd|kd$$Iflh\,t   6 0-64 la ` t ZHHHHH$& #$/Ifgd|kd`$$Ifl\,t   6 0-64 la ZHHH3$$& #$/Ifa$gd$& #$/Ifgd|kd8$$Ifl+\,t   6 0-64 la  4 5 D p Hkd$$IflY\,t   6 0-64 la$& #$/Ifgd| 3kd$$IflY\,t   6 0-64 la$& #$/Ifgd|$$& #$/Ifa$gd C D N y $$& #$/Ifa$gd$& #$/Ifgd|  C M N x y { -OPüÝÝysysoysyhY hY0JjhY0JUhjjhjU hGh hGhmhmhmhm5CJ hG5CJhmhG5CJ hGhGhGhHKOJQJhOJQJh'hOJQJh'hROJQJh'h|OJQJh|OJQJ) ZUPPPPPPPgdGgd'kd$$Ifl\,t    6 0-64 la PgdG & Fgdmh]hgdY &`#$gdYgdG hGhhjhY hY0JjhY0JUh B0JmHnHu 1h/ =!"#$%$$If!vh5t5 5 5 #vt#v #v #v :V lY 6 0-65t5 5 5 4$$If!vh5t5 5 5 #vt#v #v #v :V l 6 0-65t5 5 5 4$$If!vh5t5 5 5 #vt#v #v #v :V ld 6 0-65t5 5 5 4$$If!vh5t5 5 5 #vt#v #v #v :V lh 6 0-65t5 5 5 4$$If!vh5t5 5 5 #vt#v #v #v :V l 6 0-65t5 5 5 4$$If!vh5t5 5 5 #vt#v #v #v :V l+ 6 0-65t5 5 5 4$$If!vh5t5 5 5 #vt#v #v #v :V lY 6 0-65t5 5 5 4$$If!vh5t5 5 5 #vt#v #v #v :V lY 6 0-65t5 5 5 4$$If!vh5t5 5 5 #vt#v #v #v :V l 6 0-65t5 5 5 / 4@@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No List 4 @4 YFooter  !.)@. Y Page Number4'EKYjz)*1h~=ijz`t45Dp CDNyP000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0 0}@0}@0}@0}@0}@0}@0}@0}@0}@0}@0}@0}@0}@0}@0}@0}@0}@0}@0}@0}@0}@0}@0}@0}@0}@0}@0}@0}@0}@0}@0}@0}@00}@00}@00}@00}@00}@00}@00@0@0}@000I  $$$'P ) i    '!!8@0(  B S  ?## #L# """T""""T""""T""""T""""T"  uu44 ::oo     ''||;; >>(ww 8 *urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsCityB*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagscountry-region=*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceType=*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceName9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace     3E*1LLhqq|}~;<jz@_`t5DDNp=^`o(. ^`hH. pLp^p`LhH. @ @ ^@ `hH. ^`hH. L^`LhH. ^`hH. ^`hH. PLP^P`LhH.p=         JHKo B2 P}LUYm'Y|R?$j|GEKYjz)*1h~=ijzt45DCNi0@@@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial5&  ImpactK,Bookman Old Style"1hs"XRƕ"$  !42QHX ?Al Noor International School AdministratorAjesh Oh+'0 $0 L X d p| Al Noor International SchoolAdministratorNormalAjesh16Microsoft Word 10.0@u@ 9D@+D@ ArI՜.+,0 hp  Al Noor School  Al Noor International School Title  !"$%&'()*+,-./012346789:;<>?@ABCDGRoot Entry F@QrIIData 1Table#"WordDocument"4SummaryInformation(5DocumentSummaryInformation8=CompObjj  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q