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Williams Solution to the problems Introducing feudalism to increase the strength of the army Building Castles through out the country Taking charge of the north the Harrying of the North Feudalism Feudalism (as introduced by William) is a system of providing land to the powerful men who would in return supply knights for kings army. This system of land for knights was known as feudalism. Each gift of land was known as feudum. William gave 200 gifts of land to his 200 barons friends. Each of them gave 30 knights each, which made an army of 6000 knights. Though he could overcome the first problem, he still felt insecure because he could not control the 2 million ordinary people. To overcome this problem, he decided to build castles through out England. Building castles William asked his barons to build castles everywhere in the country. William also built a few castle himself. His castles were built in two parts: motte and bailey. The Motte and Bailey Bailey was a large yard surrounded by wooden fence. The knights could keep their horses and servants in the bailey. Motte was a high mound of earth with a wooden tower on top. The motte situated inside the bailey. The knights lived inside the motte. (Refer to page 46 in the text book) Advantage of Building castles It provided Williams knights with a base every where in the country. He could effectively control the people from these bases. Even if a large number of English attacked the castle, a small group of knights could defend the castle. IV. Taking Charge of the North Sending Robert Commines Even after 3 years of rule the English still refused to obey William. In1069 the English in the north and east revolted against the king. William sent his friend Robert Commines to solve the problem. On the way at Durham he was attacked and burned to death by the local people. The Danish fleet In the following months a Danish fleet landed in Yorkshire. The English joined hand with the Danes and captured York and killed the Norman soldiers there. Harrying of the North: Williams solution William became furious. He, along with his army, marched across the north of England towards York. On the way he destroyed every village he passed through and the crops and houses were set on fire. Many were killed and many starved to death. This brutal march came to be known as Harrying of the North. Conclusion The Danish army joined hand with the rebel leader Hereward the Wake. But William bribed the Danes forcing them to leave England and Hereward escaped. He recaptured York and the revolt was quelled temporally.     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